

Closed this issue ยท 8 comments

I am just creating an issue so that I can create a link to the roadmap document on google docs:

I will pin this to the top of the issues list

(We can close this issue if people would prefer to see this elsewhere)

I was thinking about this with having too many different tools and platforms related to neural-lam. One idea could be to try to move the roadmap to a wiki page in the repository. Then it's directly in the same place as the code. But I can't for the love of me figure out how to activate the wiki tab to even test that out ๐Ÿ˜• .

I also read a bit about github project, which is in some ways tailored exactly for keeping track of roadmaps. But I think that functionality is overkill for what we need here.

Great! I think that looks nice and convenient. Any input on moving the roadmap to the wiki @leifdenby ? If we are happy with it we can close this and add a note in the readme pointing to the wiki page.

Wow! I love the roadmap wiki. Amazing work @sadamov! It is a little harder to move things around on the wiki since we can edit in real-time together, but I am happy to try with the wiki instead if you guys would prefer that. Github does also have a sort of "trello board" thing, but maybe we go with the wiki for now.

Should I add a comment to the top of the roadmap google doc to say it is deprecated and people should look at the wiki instead? (and link to it)

If you are happy with it then I think you can do that Leif. Two things to keep in mind though (maybe before deprecating the google doc?):

  • Who has the rights to edit the wiki? Who do we want to have rights to do this? (In the same way I could not find the settings to enable the wiki I can not find any settings about the wiki permissions either ๐Ÿ˜… ).
    • To me it seems enough for now if us as repository admins can edit it
  • It would be good to have some form of routine for how to update the roadmap. I for one have some things I think could be on there, but I don't want to just write it there without discussing it over with someone else. I don't know what's the easiest solution.
    • Perhaps it is enough to have a meeting the three of us (+ anyone else who wants to join) and prioritize for the next couple of milestones.
    • Another option is that we just let everything start at issues and in those issues decide to place them in the roadmap if it feels important enough.

you can change the settings here Joel at the bottom

Oooh I see!! Thanks a lot. I was looking frenetically in the menu to the left for the "Features" page ๐Ÿคฆ

I disabled discussions now, since we are not using that feature. Better to just have as issues atm.

Closing this as

  1. We seem happy to keep the roadmap in the wiki.
  2. The roadmap will be updated on regular developer calls.