
Finalize Caret Preprocessing

antoinecarme opened this issue · 1 comments

Caret implementation started with the most used preprocessing methods.
This issue is here for adding the not-yet-supported preprocessing methods.

Already added :

  1. center + scale : #10
  2. PCA : #11
  3. ICA : #12

Not yet implemented :

  1. Power transformation methods : "BoxCox", "YeoJohnson", "expoTrans"
  2. Misc transformations "invHyperbolicSine"
  3. Missing data Imputation methods : "knnImpute", "bagImpute", "medianImpute"
  4. Normalization methods : "spatialSign", "range"
  5. Low quality feature exclusion : "zv", "nzv", "conditionalX", "corr"

Need to add 5 issues, one for each of these categories

References :

Closed all five issues.