Official Repo for Multi Resolution Analysis (MRA) for Approximate Self-Attention

Dataset Preparation

All codes for dataset preparation are located at src/datasets_scripts


The codes simply download HuggingFace's Dataset or convert json files downloaded from official source to HuggingFace's Dataset Code for downstream datasets is very short and should be self-explanatory.


Use the following command to download wikipedia english dataset from HuggingFace

python3 src/datasets_scripts/pretrain/ --output <output_path>

Then use the following command to segment or pack articles in wikipedia english dataset to examples of <sequence_length> length and stores examples to multiple jsonl files

python3 src/datasets_scripts/pretrain/ \
  --output_folder <jsonl_files_output_folder> \
  --data_file <wiki_en_output_path>/wikipedia.20220301.en/train/ \
  --example_pack_length <sequence_length> \

mp option will use all available cpu cores to preprocess the dataset.

Finally, use the following command to combine all jsonl files

python3 src/datasets_scripts/pretrain/ \
  --jsonl_folder <jsonl_files_output_folder> \
  --output_file <arrow_file_output_path>

You can move some jsonl files from <jsonl_files_output_folder> to a different folder and use it as validation set.

Training using PyTorch Lightning

Both pretraining and finetuning are launched by All configuration including training pipeline, model, dataset, data collator, and optimizer are specified in a config file, such as cfgs/roberta/base-512/

python3 --config cfgs/roberta/base-512/
python3 --config cfgs/roberta/base-512/
python3 --config cfgs/roberta/base-4k/
python3 --config cfgs/roberta/base-512/wikihop/
python3 --config cfgs/roberta/base-512/wikihop/
python3 --config cfgs/roberta/base-4k/wikihop/