dictionary_sugar_get seems to fail when dictionary entries are functions
mb706 opened this issue · 3 comments
mb706 commented
rsmp("holdout", x = 1)
#> Error: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
#> Environment:
#> 1: rsmp("holdout", x = 1)
#> 2: dictionary_sugar_get(mlr_resamplings, .key, ...)
#> 3: stopf("Cannot set argument '%s' for '%s' (not a constructor argument, not a
#> 4: stop(simpleError(str_wrap(sprintf(msg, ...), width = wrap), call = NULL))
#> 5: simpleError(str_wrap(sprintf(msg, ...), width = wrap), call = NULL)
#> 6: structure(list(message = as.character(message), call = call), class = class
#> 7: str_wrap(sprintf(msg, ...), width = wrap)
#> 8: sprintf(msg, ...)
#> 9: did_you_mean(nn, c(constructor_args, param_ids, fields(obj$value)))
#> 10: unique(candidates)
#> 11: fields(obj$value)
#> 12: setdiff(names(x$public_methods), c("initialize", "clone", "print", "format"
#> 13: as.vector(x)
problem seems to be that rsmp()
-entries are functions and not R6
-constructors, which is explicitly allowed for dictionaries.
mb706 commented
(expected behaviour: "Error Cannot set argument 'x' for 'holdout' ..."
advieser commented
I think this is the same as #115 and was fixed in #116, so it could be closed, @sebfischer? (since you made the fix)