
Documentation launche CF template using AWS Cli

d4op opened this issue · 1 comments

d4op commented

Great CF template.

is this cli correct?
aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name couldminer \
--template-file template-eth-default-vpc.yml
--profile test-aws

just want to ask.

Hey that's almost correct. However you may want to change the wallet address (unless you want to mine into mine) and also will need to give it the permissions to create IAM role with --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM.

This should do:

aws --profile test-aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name cloudminer --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
    --template-url \
    --parameters ParameterKey=EthWallet,ParameterValue=${ETH_WALLET}

Or check out this snippet for a complete example that deploys to all the available regions: