

mmatczuk opened this issue Β· 13 comments

Hello Community!

Unfortunately this project has become a little rusty.
If you would like to see this project brought back to life upvote πŸ‘.
Do not hesitate to share feature ideas in the comments.

A container?

A container?

There is a PR for this #41

I have about 30 clients connected to a tunneld server. My suggestions are:

  • CLI for managing certificates
  • CLI for reporting connected clients

Glad to hear revivalπŸ‘
My suggestions are

  • Single binary (and container) which has client and server mode.
  • Webhook when new clients are added to the server.
  • client configuration via command line options like server mode.


Glad to see that the new commit does contain already some code for the websocket support.

Glad to see that the new commit does contain already some code for the websocket support.

Any hints on how to use that @hons82 ?

Glad to see that the new commit does contain already some code for the websocket support.

Any hints on how to use that @hons82 ?

I'm using my own fork in production. I guess that the commit isn't complete yet. The Upgrade methods are there, but not yet called in any place. We probably have to wait a few more commits.

support http/3

Single binary which has client and server mode, support run with command line only without the conf file.

Thanks @mmatczuk @hons82 <3

Are there plans to modernize this project, or to otherwise maintain it?

hons82 commented

Are there plans to modernize this project, or to otherwise maintain it?

Was anybody able to compile it with the current go version?

That looks promising golang/go#49918 (comment)