
Would it be possible to include the CTL modules ?

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One of the main uses I have for mfsbsd is to boot it up on a system to share out the physical drives over iSCSI to another machine to clone an OS onto them, do disaster recovery, or otherwise mess about with them. I suspect this is quite a common use - its about the only way I know to inspect a drive in an unbootable machine without physically removing it after all.

In the past I have done this using the istgt port, but under 12.X it would be much easier if the kernel modules for ctl were included. They are very small, and it means not replying on installing an external port (which requires internet access, and is also now unmaintained).

( I tried using the '.ko' files from the 12.1 release ISO but mfsbsd won't load them for some reason. )

Something to consider anyway, thanks for all your work on mfsbsd by the way - I couldn't do my job without it!