
Tutorial missing

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I was wondering why this really short tutorial is not a part of this gitrepo.

This section contains a short tutorial of building a simple FreeBSD image using mfsBSD tools.
1. Download and extract mfsBSD tools from the Homepage [2]
    tar xfz mfsbsd-XXXX.tar.gz
2. Download and mount CD 1 (or ISO file) of a FreeBSD release
mdconfig -a -t vnode -f 7.2-RELEASE-amd64.ISO mount cd9660 /dev/mdX /cdrom
3. Modify configuration files in conf/ to your needs
- setup network interfaces and default gateway (conf/rc.conf ) - root password (conf/rootpw.conf - optional)
- ssh keys (conf/authorized keys - optional)
- nameservers (conf/resolv.conf )
4. Build an image
make - build raw image make tar - build tar.gz file make iso - build ISO image
5. Deploy image to target media
Now you can deploy the image to a storage device (hard drive, USB-drive or optical media) or to a FreeBSD partition (tar.gz).