
unable to create more than 6 partitions

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I am trying to create more than 6 partitions but it fails with " no space on device "9" ". While doing investigation on "" , I found that do_gpt creates "gpt" output---
gpart create -s gpt ${unit}
gpart add -t freebsd-boot -b 40 -l boot -s 512K ${unit}
gpart bootcode -b ${BOOTDIR}/pmbr -p ${BOOTDIR}/gptboot -i 1 ${unit}
gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -l rootfs ${unit}

but when I see on the Server it creates "MBR" , I believe there is some bug which does not allow to create gpt using mfsbsd.

I tried manually it works fine

My installerconfig.sample file is as below , when I remove last partition i.e /opt it works fine but when I add /opt entry it fails.
Ps : I am testing it on VM with 100 GB disk.

for variations in the root disk device name between VMware and Virtualbox

if [ -e /dev/ada0 ]; then
PARTITIONS="ada0 { 12G freebsd-ufs /, 8G freebsd-swap, 8G freebsd-ufs /tmp, 12G freebsd-ufs /home, 8G freebsd-ufs /var, 8G freebsd-ufs /var/log, 8G freebsd-ufs
/var/log/audit, 8G freebsd-ufs /opt }"
elif [ -e /dev/da0 ]; then
PARTITIONS="da0 { 12G freebsd-ufs /, 16G freebsd-swap, 8G freebsd-ufs /tmp, 12G freebsd-ufs /home, 8G freebsd-ufs /var, 8G freebsd-ufs /var/log, 8G freebsd-ufs
/var/log/audit, 8G freebsd-ufs /opt }"
elif [ -e /dev/vtbd0 ]; then
PARTITIONS="vtbd0 { 12G freebsd-ufs /, 16G freebsd-swap, 8G freebsd-ufs /tmp, 12G freebsd-ufs /home, 8G freebsd-ufs /var, 8G freebsd-ufs /var/log, 8G freebsd-u
fs /var/log/audit, 8G freebsd-ufs /opt }"
echo "Unknown disk for to work with!"
exit -1

DISTRIBUTIONS="kernel.txz base.txz"