
Error when loading with lzdoom

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm running lzdoom in linux aarch64 and get an error when trying to load target-spy.
Script error, "target-spy-v2.0.1.pk3:zscript/ts_external_actor_info_provider.zs" line 30: Unexpected 'abstract' Expecting '.' or 'class' or identifier or 'native' or 'ui' or 'play' or 'version' or 'color' or 'clearscope' or 'int8' or 'uint8' or 'int16' or 'uint16' or 'int' or 'uint' or 'bool' or 'float' or 'double' or 'vector2' or 'vector3' or 'name' or 'sound' or 'state' or 'let' or '@' or 'readonly' or 'map' or 'array' or 'void' or 'action' or 'deprecated' or 'static' or 'private' or 'protected' or 'latent' or 'final' or 'meta' or 'transient' or 'internal' or 'virtual' or 'override' or 'vararg' or 'virtualscope'

Target-spy 1.4.1 also caused an error.
/lzdoom/src/scripting/backend/codegen.cpp:9401: virtual ExpEmit FxFlopFunctionCall::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder*): Assertion 'ValueType == ArgList[0]->ValueType' failed.

Is target-spy compatible with lzdoom? I have used 1.4.1 on other installations with lzdoom in linux aarch64 previously without issues

I forgot to add LZDoom version to v2.0.1 release. Here it is.