
[Feature] TargetSpyService Expansion: Toggle Overrides

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Particularly, this would apply to certain bits of TargetSpy to forcibly enable/disable/alter by the modder's desire.

For on/off checking in GetIntUI, return values are -1 (not shown), 1 (always shown), and 0 (player preference (default)).
The properties would be:

  • Active (force TargetSpy to ignore this actor)
  • Class Name/Tag
  • Health
  • Health Bar
  • Armor
  • Armor Bar
  • Boundary Box

The active one is especially important to me because I'm developing a team-based mod where there are many teams, and I want TargetSpy to ignore all units on the player's team, and any units on other teams deemed as allies (a built in system via the mod).