
sections.filter is not a function

balazs-guti opened this issue · 6 comments

Any ideas why I get this error?
I have everything included, should be fine I think.

after adding fullPageConfigProvider with the default options (mentioned in readme) I have this error

Have you included jQuery library?

Yes I have, and it's included before the plugin.

Ok. Can you try to get the value of "sections" variable in 'setOptionsFromDOM' function? Maybe it's empty or not an array. You can try to execute the 'find' and 'filter' methods for any array too for check jQuery is working correctly.

@balazs-guti, seems like it's file order problem. Try to include jquery first! It should help.
@mmautomatizacion could you add jquery as a dependency for npm and bower packages, please?

@balazs-guti check the order of file inject. jQuery must be before mm.angular-fullpage.js.

@Domanskiy, I just added jQuery dependency for NPM and Bower. Thanks for advice.