Feature request: array support
msanguineti opened this issue · 4 comments
I was wondering if you have any ETA for when arrays will be supported.
I haven't implemented support for arrays because I haven't had a use-case for it. Also - Unlike bool, string, number and object it is not clear how to edit/show an array ?
If you can show/edit a single bool, string, etc. then you should not have problems showing or editing a collection of those.
I haven't had the need myself and haven't time to analyse possible use cases of others. I will however consider helping you with implementing support for arrays if you present a proper use case + details how you think arrays can be easily mapped to gui controls in various cases: incl. simple arrays of string/bool/number and more complex situations like arrays of objects, arrays of arrays etc.
Alternatively, you can also submit a pull request with your suggestion and I will look at it. I am generally very positive about contributions.
I will close this as I have received no detailed followup on the issue. Please feel free to re-open with the desired input.