
Increasing version number

mmcc007 opened this issue · 2 comments

But then there's another problem: I cannot increase the version number. Reading the manual, i was under the assumption that it would increase automatically? Either way, increasing it manually does not work either:

fastlane start_beta major
[17:25:06]: fastlane detected a Gemfile in the current directory
[17:25:06]: however it seems like you don't use `bundle exec`
[17:25:06]: to launch fastlane faster, please use
[17:25:06]: $ bundle exec fastlane start_beta major
[17:25:06]: Get started using a Gemfile for fastlane
[17:25:11]: ---------------------------
[17:25:11]: --- Step: opt_out_usage ---
[17:25:11]: ---------------------------
[17:25:11]: Disabled upload of used actions
[17:25:11]: Could not find lane 'start_beta major'. Available lanes: start_beta, release
|          fastlane summary          |
| Step | Action        | Time (in s) |
| 1    | opt_out_usage | 0           |
[17:25:11]: fastlane finished with errors
[!] Could not find lane 'start_beta major'. Available lanes: start_beta, release

I'm not sure how to handle that, because when I google for how to increase the build number with fastlane, the instructions don't come near to what is in your manual. So far i get by with removing the tags from git with:

git tag -d 0.0.1
git push -d origin 0.0.1

But that won't help me when i actually want to publish a new build.

Again, thanks for helping.

Originally posted by @yvanvds in #2 (comment)

Instead of

fastlane start_beta major

the docs should read

fastlane start_beta bump:major

BTW: before running this command you can check your existing tags using:

$ git tag

Oh, and to answer your other question, the default behavior of 'fledge beta' on git tags, is to automatically increment the patch number.

So, for example, if the current tag is '0.1.0', 'fledge beta' will increment the patch number in the beta release to'0.1.1'

To increment the major or minor number for your next beta releases you can use:

fastlane start_beta bump:major
fastlane start_beta bump:minor

Note: the local fastlane dependency will be removed with #1 and this feature will be implemented as options to the 'fledge beta' command.