
Song Start

ryanramage opened this issue · 2 comments

With being a live performance app, is there a way I can store all the playing loops so I dont have to build up the all the layers of sound if I was to go in front of a crowd?

Eg I want when I open a project a way of having loops primed and either running or with something that I can kick them off.

My fingers are a bit slow and not every song should start with the kick for 16 beats and then the snare layer for 16, etc ;)

Seeing your live performances it looks like this is possible but I am not sure what I am missing to do that.


Hey @ryanramage,

Not currently possible. This was an early constraint I placed on the design of the app to force me to learn to play everything live. In all of my performances I do indeed build everything up from scratch.

But I can understand why stored loops would be useful, and it is a common request. I'm open to discussing ways this could be implemented.

One idea I had was snapshots. You could snapshot the current loop of an entire controller, and then restore it later. It could be persisted in the Setup itself.

The main place I could use this would be testing. It is really tedious for me to have to build a whole thing up just to see if a bug is still occurring 😆

Ok, I can see how the design makes the musician! You've obviously master the live start.

I like the idea of snapshots. Seems a very useful concept. They could keep in the ui under recordings. And then click to load.