
A spartan theme for Hugo for note and todo management.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Messynotes: a Hugo theme for personal notes/TODO


You can view the sample site. It contains notes with samples of features and some basic documentation of how to use them.


This needs a modern-ish browser

This will probably not render reasonably nicely and interactive things probably won't work in IE or older versions of browsers. I'm using this to learn modern CSS/JavaScript, I don't want to clutter the code with hacks and backfills, and I don't have any of those to test against and wouldn't spend the time to do so anyway.


I love Markdown based note management + revision control. But all apps I had used frustrated me. I made this theme in combination with a CLI to make a system using Hugo to do a lot of the heavy lifting.

It is easiest to consume via the messynotes command, but this could be used separately if you're into that.

This is not yet stable

This theme is still in pretty heavy flux. Current half-baked changes are in the develop branch. They'll get promoted to main as they're fully baked, or at least I think they are.

Reasons for changes:

  • Changing the way I like to view things as I expand my own content
  • Adding functionality (bookmarking in the works)
  • Learning modern CSS like 'grid' layout
  • Learning modern JavaScript APIs


All of these are about keeping as minimal as possible.

  • No frameworks Everything should be "normal" HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Use hugo first I'm using Hugo's templating over JavaScript whenever I can
  • Offline support Everything must degrade gracefully when disconnected to the internet. That means no CDN dependencies for JavaScript libraries. Currently the only external dependency is Google Fonts, which are "nice to have". That does mean having to keep static copies of libraries that may get out of date. I'll try to reasonably keep up. PRs are welcome if I'm not and you need it.
  • Limit dependencies "extra" JavaScript like Mermaid and ABC support should only be pulled in when needed.
  • Semantic HTML avoid HTML hacks for layout, when possible. Leverage HTML5 tags. I am not doing the best job of this and it needs to be improved.



The index provides a streamlined view of the content. What that means to me is changing as I flesh out both my usage and as I add functionality. Currently that means :

  • keep TODO notes (I use 1, but it supports multiple) at the top.
  • Notes are listed by category below
  • Tags are listed as links to the tab pages

Coming soonish:

  • A sidebar on the left with categorized bookmarks.

I'm experimenting with using Hugo's "data" support for this. See the 'develop' branch for that. The example site doesn't have it yet, and I need to implement CLI support for it as well.


Tags serve as a lookup for related notes. Categories function more as a per-topic stream.

I have many tags per note, but one category. In theory it will work with many of each. I think.

"Private" Junk

Sometimes you share your screen and you don't want stuff showing up by default. So you can tag a note as "private" and/or add a list of private categories in your config.

You can toggle them visible at the bottom of the page.


The color scheme will change based on the system/browser settings for light and dark mode. This is done with a combination of CSS media queries and variables.

Extended Markup Support

I implement these based on the mermaid example on the Hugo page. It's pretty nice to me.

I may add more as I go based on what I want/need.


Mermaid diagrams are rendered in "mermaid" code fences. That's pretty normal.


For music/scores, ABC Notation is rendered from "abc" code fences. This is handy for my to jot down song ideas as they come to me. (I'm not actually good at this)


Contributions to clean it up or generally make things prettier are appreciated. I'm not a "frontend" guy, and learning modern stuff is part of this exercise to me. Corrections are welcome.

I'll try to stick things I want to fix or would appreciate help with in TODO.md.

PRs are appreciated. I'll try to deal with bugs in Issues. Feature requests without a PR will probably take some time and only be done if they seem useful to me personally.

Pure bug fix PRs can go against 'main'. All else should be based on and PRed to 'develop'.

I have a pretty demanding "real job" as well as a family I enjoy being around.


This is licensed under the MIT License. You are welcome to do anything within the terms of it: fork, make a product, whatever. I will not be offended. That license was chosen with that in mind.