
idris on the browser?

Closed this issue · 9 comments

So cool that you were able to make idris on the jvm!!!

If you can make it on javascript, we will be able to run idris in the browser and it will be great for educational purposes. We could have interactive tutorial about idris like this scheme tutorial.


Thank you!

JavaScript backend is already supported by Idris itself. Please see here:

And now the 1.000.000 dollars question:
Is it possible to have an Idris evaluator in javascript i.e. to have javascript code that knows to evaluate Idris code?

I am not sure as I haven't used JavaScript back end.

Can Idris evaluates itself?

@viebel I think I recall someone reporting to have successfully compiled Idris with GHCJS.

wow that's amazing @bamboo. But I need more details about it...

That is really cool. Thanks @bamboo for the link.