
Cannot run install script

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Impressive project which I very much like to try out. Sadly something goes wrong with the install script on my macbook.


$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_121"
$ idris --version

Effects.IdrisJvm.Effects.System, JVM_IO implementation of Effects.Handler, method handle is not total as there are missing cases due to Effects.IdrisJvm.Effects.System, JVM_IO implementation of Effects.Handler, method handle
./IdrisJvm/Effects.idr:18:5:Could not build: Effects.IdrisJvm.Effects.System, JVM_IO implementation of Effects.Handler, method handle is not total as there are missing cases due to Effects.IdrisJvm.Effects.System, JVM_IO implementation of Effects.Handler, method handle


Thank you for trying out idris-jvm. idris-jvm release that is currently available is for Idris 1.0. As you are running with Idris 1.1.1 that has some additional functions for System effect, it is complaining about it. I will release a new version for Idris 1.1.1 shortly.

I have uploaded a new release for Idris 1.1.1. Please try it out and let me know if you have any issues.