
Adding a package.json

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Please add a package.json to the root of the repository so that libflac.js can be used in other JS-based projects more easily using npm.

Hi, thanks for making this library. I am currently using libflac.js in Jitsi Meet to encode recorded audio in the browser.

Because of the set up of the project, it is better if we can reference libflac.js as a npm package. The only missing part for that to happen is a package.json file in the root of the repository. Currently, I am maintaining a fork, but the only modification is the addition of package.json. I think it is better if this is done by you guys.

I have created a simple pull request #7 and filled in the file for you. You don't have to use my PR.

You don't necessarily need to publish libflac.js to, because npm can treat git repository as a package as long as there is a package.json file in the root. Just adding a package.json file can make it much easier for other projects to use libflac.js.