
Plugin won't install

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Ok this is a tricky one.

Craft 3.3.9, all dependencies up to date.

Followed the instructions to require the package, and ran composer update. Verified:

  • package is in JSON and lock
  • vendor/mmikkel/retcon directory exists
  • retcon is listed in plugins.php
  • Retcon is shown in General->Plugins as not installed

Trying to install from this screen, or craft install/plugin retcon both result in No plugin exists with the handle "retcon".

Tried composer remove and reinstall, no avail.

At a loss here. All help welcome :) (Trying here first before going to Craft GH.)

Hi @rtgoodwin - this is a new one.

Can you open the file vendor/craftcms/plugins.php and see if your mmikkel/retcon entry looks identical to the below?

'mmikkel/retcon' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'mmikkel\\retcon\\Retcon',
    'basePath' => $vendorDir . '/mmikkel/retcon/src',
    'handle' => 'retcon',
    'aliases' => 
    array (
      '@mmikkel/retcon' => $vendorDir . '/mmikkel/retcon/src',
    'name' => 'Retcon',
    'version' => '2.0.12',
    'schemaVersion' => '1.0.0',
    'description' => 'Powerful Twig filters for mutating and querying HTML',
    'developer' => 'Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff',
    'developerUrl' => '',
    'changelogUrl' => '',
    'hasCpSettings' => false,
    'hasCpSection' => false,
    'components' => 
    array (

If it does, I'm honestly stumped. Have you tried nuking the vendor folder completely and doing a composer install --no-interaction --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader?

Yep, entry is there:

 'mmikkel/retcon' =>
  array (
    'class' => 'mmikkel\\retcon\\Retcon',
    'basePath' => $vendorDir . '/mmikkel/retcon/src',
    'handle' => 'retcon',
    'aliases' =>
    array (
      '@mmikkel/retcon' => $vendorDir . '/mmikkel/retcon/src',
    'name' => 'Retcon',
    'version' => '2.0.12',
    'schemaVersion' => '1.0.0',
    'description' => 'Powerful Twig filters for mutating and querying HTML',
    'developer' => 'Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff',
    'developerUrl' => '',
    'documentationUrl' => '',
    'changelogUrl' => '',
    'hasCpSettings' => false,
    'hasCpSection' => false,
    'components' =>
    array (

If it does, I'm honestly stumped. Have you tried nuking the vendor folder completely and doing a composer install --no-interaction --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader?

I haven't, as this is a production site; although I'm told this is generally OK, some reassurance (or ideas to back up properly) would be nice :)

Honestly I haven't tried just using the plugin, since the CP doesn't report it as installed.

I'm on the Craft Discord server (RichardG) if you want to hit me up for more questions as well. Thanks for looking into it!

I just noted the documentationUrl is different in mine; not sure if that's any kind of clue.

To be honest, I have no idea what could cause this behaviour... I'd get in touch with P&T to see if they've encountered it before.