
No matches for NHL

Kallb123 opened this issue · 8 comments

I created a library and NHL folder, but Plex can't match it to thesportsdb league. I have the following in logs:

2018-03-26 17:11:19,958 (7f564a7fc700) :  INFO (__init__:94) - SS: Attempting to match NHL
2018-03-26 17:11:19,960 (7f564a7fc700) :  DEBUG (networking:166) - Requesting ''
2018-03-26 17:11:20,018 (7f564a7fc700) :  INFO (__init__:99) - SS: Could not retrieve shows from
2018-03-26 17:11:20,019 (7f564a7fc700) :  CRITICAL (agentkit:1014) - Exception in the search function of agent named 'SportScanner', called with keyword arguments {'show': 'NHL', 'id': '34792', 'year': '2017'} (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Resources/Plug-ins-6de959918/Framework.bundle/Contents/Resources/Versions/2/Python/Framework/api/", line 1007, in _search*f_args, **f_kwargs)
  File "/home/kallum/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/SportScanner.bundle/Contents/Code/", line 104, in search
    if potential_leagues is not None:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'potential_leagues' referenced before assignment

2018-03-26 17:11:20,022 (7f564a7fc700) :  DEBUG (runtime:88) - Sending packed state data (112 bytes)
2018-03-26 17:11:20,023 (7f564a7fc700) :  DEBUG (runtime:924) - Response: [200] str, 16 bytes

I tried to curl the url and that failed, so I noticed they now use https, which will curl properly. I changed the url in the code, but it didn't help unfortunately. Not sure why it can't retrieve shows from the site, it works via curl or browser.

It's probably something to do with my setup with ubuntu 14.04 and python 2.7.6. It doesn't properly support ssl.

I am not the dev of this code, but I am a developer and I have just started trying to use this plugin, so I'll try to help you out.

The plugin is setup to call http. The URL works (, so there must be some connection issue on your end. No need for https.

The log shows that it attempts to call that URL but fails ('Requesting...', 'SS: Could not retrieve shows...') and since there are no shows and the code doesn't throw an exception it tries to look at the 'potential_leagues' variable which doesn't exist since the initial lookup failed.

Just focus on the connection between your box and thesportsdb. Once you get that sorted it should work fine. Good luck 👍

It's definitely a connection issue between me and thesportsdb. I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 and the version of python installed doesn't support modern SSL. I haven't managed to figure out a virtual environment or updated the packages, it's going to be a while before I can update ubuntu to 16.04 or something.

I wonder if it'd work if I could use python 3?

I managed to install anaconda, so I have an up to date python install in a new directory. I can now connect and communicate with thesportsdb, so I just need to figure out how to get plex to use this new version of python.

I solved this problem after being directed to another plex plugin. Copying what's done here:

I put those libraries into the SportScanner folder (in the same structure) and them imported them into the I then switched the code to use the requests library and now I don't have issues with SSL certificates!

@Kallb123 could you share a repo with your diff?

@martin-juul I forked and made a pull request including the libraries and changes to the init file:


Like I said, it wasn't my idea, just copied what has already been done elsewhere into this repo.

This has been fixed, can @mmmmmtasty or @Kallb123 close it?