
Policy class interface is not a subclass

macteja opened this issue · 7 comments

Hello Team,

I have successfully setup the connector with below config,

"connector.class": "com.github.mmolimar.kafka.connect.fs.FsSourceConnector",
"fs.uris": "file:////var/kafka/connect/log",
"policy.regexp": "connect-worker.log",
"tasks.max": "2",
"policy.class": "com.github.mmolimar.kafka.connect.fs.policy.Policy",
"name": "POC_FsSourceConnector",
"topic": "kafka.connectfilepulse.source.poc",
"file_reader.class": "com.github.mmolimar.kafka.connect.fs.file.reader.FileReader",
"policy.recursive": "true"

After that when the checked the status, connector is running but the tasks are failed with below error,

"trace": "org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException: Couldn't start FsSourceTask due to configuration error: Policy class interface com.github.mmolimar.kafka.connect.fs.policy.Policy is not a subclass of interface com.github.mmolimar.kafka.connect.fs.policy.Policy

Could you please look into the error and suggest any.


The issue here is the policy class you set. com.github.mmolimar.kafka.connect.fs.policy.Policy is an interface and you have to set a class. Currently, there are 4 policies which are: com.github.mmolimar.kafka.connect.fs.policy.SimplePolicy, com.github.mmolimar.kafka.connect.fs.policy.SleepyPolicy, com.github.mmolimar.kafka.connect.fs.policy.CronPolicy and com.github.mmolimar.kafka.connect.fs.policy.HdfsFileWatcherPolicy. You can read more about them here.

Thank you @mmolimar ,
Now i am able to get the data to topic, but have one question,
Is there any way to fetch remote host/vm logs to Kafka topic?


If the connector can read those files you could use it. If not, maybe you should use another type of connector to ingest that data.

Hi @mmolimar , thank you..
Does kafka-connect-fs supports the remote host file system data copy to topic.


Hello @mmolimar Good day, i have followed below configs and checked FAQ's but still the logs are not polling to topic,

Any suggestions on this to activate logs to topic?


The connector uses the FileSystem abstraction from Hadoop to connect to the available implementations (FTP, HDFS, GCS, S3, Azure, Local...). So based on your file system type you should set the proper URI.
On the other hand, the connector config looks like fine. I don't know if the files you have in your FS match the regex but maybe you should use another policy to iterate over that directory to look for files (Cron or Sleepy policy).

Thanks @mmolimar ,

Currently i am running for local file system, let me try for FTP also
I have checked the reg exp and it is working tested local scripts, sure as confirmed you, let me try with Cron / sleep policy to effect the changes and update you..
