
Gesture overlay and handling

tarmooo opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey! Any way to add custom gesture handling and on zoom to display something like this:

Found one leaflet example, wondered if it would be useful to port some way?

You will have to implement it yourself - Openlayers / rlayers have the tools to do so - but do not have ready to use classes. Disable all the default interactions on the map and define your own interactions - you can check the constrained view example and the add/draw examples.

Yeap, figured. Already implementing - seems like it could be nice addition and perhaps if i finish my one i could send you a draft so that it could be added here?

There are two parts to such component - redefining the zoom interaction - which is already possible - and implementing a beautiful text effect to display the message - which is currently missing.
A component that does nothing except to redefine the zoom interaction won't be very useful - since you will still have to disable all the default interactions to include it. Displaying the message is the real deal. I will gladly accept a PR for this.