Performance issues with RDraw
PaliMartin opened this issue · 4 comments
I get performance issues (mouse pointer starts lagging) when I add an Rdraw element to the map component. Works when I use pure openlayer. Any ideas on what could be causing this?
export const RlayerMap = memo(() => {
const origin = [2.364, 48.82];
const initial: RView = { center: fromLonLat(origin), zoom: 11 };
return (
<div style={{ height: 800, width: "100%" }}>
properties={{ label: "OpenTopo" }}
// url="my url"
attributions="Kartendaten: © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende, SRTM | Kartendarstellung: © OpenTopoMap (CC-BY-SA)"
<RControl.RZoom />
<RInteraction.RDraw type={"Circle"} />
Alas, this is a very error-prone optimization and the difference is barely noticeable - it comes mostly because Chrome emits a warning. I prefer to not do this especially since it will be valid only when the interaction is empty - once you add any processing to this interaction, the performance is the same as raw Openlayers.
@PaliMartin Which version of Openlayers are you using? 7.3.0 has a number of improvements - including suppression of the Chrome warning - and it is marginally faster.
If you don't use pointer move events in your application, you can somewhere in the initialisation before the map is created (it is fine in the global context):
RFeature.pointerEvents = ['click'];
This will increase performance if you have a layer with lots of features.