snap wine-platform-5-staging error
spacelegolas opened this issue · 2 comments
Hello team,
I just tried to install LoL via snap and this is the result.
I cannot find anything on this..
You need to update wine-platform-5-staging snap.
Which has league patched wine-staging
You can do this with command:
snap refresh --candidate wine-platform-5-staging
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
(yad:69638): Gtk-WARNING **: 23:27:11.594: cannot open display:
kindrobot@darkroom:$ snap refresh --candidate wine-platform-5-stagin$ snap install wine-platform-5-staging
snap "wine-platform-5-stagin" is not installed
snap "wine-platform-5-staging" is already installed, see 'snap help
kindrobot@darkroom:$ snap refresh --candidate wine-platform-5-staging$ snap version
error: cannot refresh "wine-platform-5-staging": cannot query the store for
updates: got unexpected HTTP status code 408 via POST to
snap 2.52.1
snapd 2.52.1
series 16
ubuntu 21.04
kernel 5.11.0-40-generic
It literally says you have to update wine snap anyway use these two commands to update required snaps for league.
snap refresh --candidate wine-platform-runtime
snap refresh --candidate wine-platform-5-staging
snap refresh --candidate wine-platform-5-staging
error: cannot refresh "wine-platform-5-staging": cannot query the store for
updates: got unexpected HTTP status code 408 via POST to
This happened. I cannot update it.
I also checked the server status and it was okay.