
Not loading into the game

Closed this issue · 4 comments

07b0:err:shell:IPersistStream_fnSave Write failed at 1051
07b0:err:shell:IPersistStream_fnSave Write failed at 1051
07b0:err:shell:IPersistStream_fnSave Write failed at 1051
07b0:err:shell:IPersistStream_fnSave Write failed at 1051
07b0:err:winediag:WS_getaddrinfo Failed to resolve your host name IP
[1964:1968:20220518,220702.439:ERROR] ReadExactly: expected 40, observed 0
[1964:1968:20220518,220702.439:ERROR] WriteFile: Disk full. (112)
[240:244:20220518,220707.491:ERROR] ReadExactly: expected 40, observed 0
[240:244:20220518,220707.491:ERROR] WriteFile: Disk full. (112)
[1964:1968:20220518,220707.493:ERROR] TransactNamedPipe: Broken pipe. (109)
07b0:err:winediag:WS_getaddrinfo Failed to resolve your host name IP
011c:err:winediag:WS_getaddrinfo Failed to resolve your host name IP
011c:err:winediag:WS_getaddrinfo Failed to resolve your host name IP
00bc:err:rpc:I_RpcGetBuffer no binding
Failed to create /home/dimitar/snap/leagueoflegends/common/.cache/mesa_shader_cache/38 for shader cache (No space left on device)---disabling.
Failed to create /home/dimitar/snap/leagueoflegends/common/.cache/mesa_shader_cache/ef for shader cache (No space left on device)---disabling.
Failed to create /home/dimitar/snap/leagueoflegends/common/.cache/mesa_shader_cache/8a for shader cache (No space left on device)---disabling.
Failed to create /home/dimitar/snap/leagueoflegends/common/.cache/mesa_shader_cache/d3 for shader cache (No space left on device)---disabling.
Failed to create /home/dimitar/snap/leagueoflegends/common/.cache/mesa_shader_cache/fa for shader cache (No space left on device)---disabling.
wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to EBA66D1C at address F5A42B17 (thread 04bc), starting debugger...

I currently can:
1 - Log in my account
2 - Open the Riot games client

My system arch linux, amd graphics card(rx5700xt)

When i try to start LOL from the Riot client - it's returning me to the client

mmtrt commented

Looks like your disk is full make sure you have free space specifically in home path where game is installed.

@mmtrt can we download it in another dir ?

mmtrt commented

Try this though its risky losing data in your home dir.

Hey, I have pretty much the same problem, I login, click play and in few seconds this window just appear again asking me to click play again. I have 400gb empty space on disk...