
Question: How do you mark a program as threadable?

wimrijnders opened this issue · 6 comments

I encountered the following in the VideoCore IV reference on page 21:

For 3D fragment shader use, each QPU can execute two separate program threads if both the fragment shader programs are marked as threadable.

I'm wondering how you can mark a program as 'threadable'? Are there special instructions for that? I can't seem to find anything about it in the document, nor on google.

It seems that the "threadable" flag can be set only via control list (c.f. Table 45 on p.78 and Table 47 on p.80).

FYI there is a better place to ask such questions:

@Terminus-IMRC thanks for responding. That brings me one step closer to enlightment.

I scanned the forum you linked to, 'bare metal'. It's a bunch of people doing really low-level stuff on the RPi, it's pretty impressive. And intimidating!

... so could you please close this issue and #33 ?

Sorry, are you an administrator here? I didn't realize.

Not closing #33 until the hardware lookup for slices and num qpu's has been merged.

No, I'm not. I'm just a passer-by. Sorry for snooping...

OK, clear. You are however a very knowledgeable passer-by which I would like to be on good terms with. No harm intended.