
Scripts for working with Commodore disk images

Primary LanguagePython


Scripts for working with Commodore disk images


Read the error map at the end of a disk image and report all bad sectors.


Compare every sector of two disk images and report the differences.


Check if a D64 (1541, single sided) image has any information that suggests the disk should have been imaged as a D71 (1571, double sided). This checks a flag in the directory and also looks for any track/sector pointers that are outside the 1541 range.


Add an error to the error map of an image. If the image does not have an error map, one will be added. To clear an error byte in the map, set it to zero.


Read the CBM DOS directory of an image using c1541 from VICE. This script exists because some version of c1541 will not read some disk images with an error map. If the disk image has no error map, it will be passed directly to c1541. If the disk image has an error map, a temp file will be created of the image without the error map, and it will be passed to c1541.


Given a track and sector, display its offset in the disk image. This is useful when examining an image file in a hex editor.


Copy a sector from the source image into the target image. If you have two images of the same disk with different bad sectors, you can use this to make one good image. Use d80adderror to clear the error in the error map after splicing.


Remove the error map from a disk image. Use this if you've fixed all errors on a disk, or if you have to use the image with a program that does not support images with error maps.


Fill a sector will null bytes.