
SRFIs tracking issue (0–99)

mnacamura opened this issue · 0 comments

For SRFIs 100–199, see #11 .
For SRFIs 200–, see #44.

List of SRFIs (0–99)

  • [-] SRFI 0: Feature-based conditional expansion construct (part of R7RS small)
  • [-] SRFI 1: List library (part of R7RS large)
  • SRFI 2: AND-LET*: an AND with local bindings, a guarded LET* special form (#9)
  • [-] SRFI 4: Homogeneous numeric vector datatypes (part of R7RS large)
  • [-] SRFI 5: A compatible let form with signatures and rest arguments (no new keywords)
  • [-] SRFI 6: Basic string ports (part of R7RS small)
  • #31
  • #28
  • [-] SRFI 9: Defining record types (part of R7RS small)
  • #30
  • [-] SRFI 11: Syntax for receiving multiple values (part of R7RS small)
  • #32
  • [-] SRFI 14: Character-set library (part of R7RS large)
  • [-] SRFI 16: Syntax for procedures of variable arity (part of R7RS small)
  • #33
  • #34
  • #35
  • #52
  • #36
  • [-] SRFI 23: Error reporting mechanism (part of R7RS small)
  • #50
  • #48
  • #46
  • SRFI 28: Basic format strings
  • SRFI 29: Localization
  • [-] SRFI 30: Nested multi-Line comments (part of R7RS small)
  • SRFI 31: A special form rec for recursive evaluation
  • [-] SRFI 34: Exception handling for programs (part of R7RS small)
  • SRFI 35: Conditions
  • SRFI 36: I/O conditions
  • SRFI 37: args-fold: a program argument processor
  • SRFI 38: External representation for data with shared structure
  • [-] SRFI 39: Parameter objects (part of R7RS small)
  • [-] SRFI 41: Streams (part of R7RS large)
  • SRFI 42: Eager comprehensions
  • SRFI 43: Vector library (legacy)
  • SRFI 44: Collections
  • SRFI 45: Primitives for expressing iterative lazy algorithms
  • [-] SRFI 46: Basic syntax-rules extensions (part of R7RS small)
  • SRFI 47: Array
  • SRFI 48: Intermediate format strings
  • [-] SRFI 49: Indentation-sensitive syntax (won't support)
  • SRFI 51: Handling rest list
  • SRFI 54: Formatting
  • SRFI 55: Require-extension
  • SRFI 57: Records
  • SRFI 58: Array notation
  • SRFI 59: Vicinity
  • SRFI 60: Integers as bits
  • SRFI 61: A more general cond clause
  • [-] SRFI 62: S-expression comments (part of R7RS small)
  • SRFI 63: Homogeneous and heterogeneous arrays
  • SRFI 64: A Scheme API for test suites
  • SRFI 66: Octet vectors
  • SRFI 67: Compare procedures
  • SRFI 69: Basic hash tables
  • SRFI 70: Numbers
  • SRFI 71: Extended LET-syntax for multiple values
  • SRFI 72: Hygienic macros
  • SRFI 74: Octet-addressed binary blocks
  • SRFI 78: Lightweight testing
  • SRFI 86: MU and NU simulating VALUES & CALL-WITH-VALUES, and their related LET-syntax
  • [-] SRFI 87: => in case clauses (part of R7RS small)
  • SRFI 88: Keyword objects
  • SRFI 89: Optional positional and named parameters
  • SRFI 90: Extensible hash table constructor
  • SRFI 94: Type-restricted numerical functions
  • SRFI 95: Sorting and merging
  • SRFI 96: SLIB prerequisites
  • SRFI 97: SRFI libraries
  • SRFI 98: An interface to access environment variables
  • SRFI 99: ERR5RS Records
