
Prolog interface for Amazon APIs

Primary LanguagePrologThe UnlicenseUnlicense


:- use_module(library(amazon_api)).
?- build_agent(Agent, ...),
   item_lookup(Agent, 'B00000DMAX', Item),
   title(Item, Title).
Title = 'Mario Kart 64'.


Make API calls to Amazon Web Services. This version has been tested with Amazon's Product Advertising API, but request/5 should work with other Amazon APIs too.

Changes in this Version

  • Remove redundant URI encoding in V7.1.13 and later


Using SWI-Prolog 6.3 or later:

?- pack_install(amazon_api).

This module uses semantic versioning.

Source code available and pull requests accepted at http://github.com/mndrix/amazon_api