
[environment] cudatoolkit cudnn and python3.6

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I have found something might be useful while preparing the environment (conda)

my environment: gcc4.8.5 centos7.5.1804

change python=3.7.3 to python=3.6.8 in environment_linux_gpu.yml and remove all =py37...

  • with python3.7, there might be an error of glibc as version GLIBC_2.23' not found` if working on some ancient machine.

conda install cudatoolkit=10.0 & conda install cudnn=7.6.0

  • get not found when import tensorflow

edit line7 of keras_contrib/utils/ if come across syntax error of this line.

  • mostly some error of spacing

Compatibility between tensorflow and cuda / cudnn has always been an issue (On the other hand, pytorch has done a relatively nice job). We have to apologize for not providing cuda / cudnn installing instructions. We've also noticed that there are some compatibility issues of ancient nvidia gpus, drivers and cuda. Currently we don't have time to handle gpu / cuda / cudnn compatibility issues since we contribute to this repo in our spare time.

Thank you again for your information.