
Extended from el-table-column. Automatically adjust column width according to content. Keep all features of el-table-column.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


Extended from el-table-column. Automatically adjust column width according to content. Keep all features of el-table-column.


  • Automatically adjust column width according to content.
  • Extended from el-table-column, keep all features of el-table-column.

Using npm or yarn

$ npm install ex-table-column --save
$ yarn add ex-table-column


Clone repository and run:

$ yarn && yarn serve


Quick Start

import Vue from 'vue'
import Element from 'element-ui'
import ExTableColumn from 'ex-table-column';

Vue.component(ExTableColumn.name, ExTableColumn);

Simple use

Replace <el-table-column /> to <ex-table-column>, add prop :autoFit='true':


And add style:

.el-table .cell {
  white-space: nowrap;
  width: fit-content;

Complicated slot

Add prop fitByClass to specify a class of the element, which is in slot component, and use to calculate the column width:

    <div class="column-wrapper" slot-scope="scope">
      <div class="column-content auto-fit-target">

Make sure that the element choosed by fitByClass, the width of the element is correct, maybe you should add white-space: nowrap; width: fit-content; for the element.

Fit header

Calculating the column width does not consider the header width by default, if you want to include the header, you can add prop :fitHeader='true':


And add style:

.el-table .cell,
.el-table th>.cell
  white-space: nowrap;
  width: fit-content;

Extend prop

Prop Description Type Accepted Values Default
autoFit whether column width to be automatically adjusted according to content. boolean - false
fitByClass Specify the class of the element that determines the width string - cell
fitGap The content right margin number - 0
fitHeader Whether to include the header width when calculating the column width boolean - false