
Firebase App Check Support

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I build a flutter app. My app use Firebase App Check, i submit apk on cloud but flow failed. Because when uses app check, you need to add debug token on firebase or download on playstore. So how can i fix this situation?

Thank you

Framework: Flutter

Hi, thanks for creating an issue.

I'm not familiar with how App Check works. Could you explain what the feature request is here in more details?

Firebase App Check generates tokens for using Firebase resources or backend APIs. When using a real device, Firebase generates a token that you can use directly. However, when using an emulator or simulator, Firebase generates a debug token and logs it.

You need to upload this debug token to the Firebase console to use the App Check token with the emulator or simulator.

Maestro Cloud uses an emulator, so you need to get the debug token and upload it to the Firebase console.

However, when using an emulator or simulator, Firebase generates a debug token and logs it.

I see. Let me ask some more questions to make sure I understand: so this token, generated by App Check, is different for every emulator, right? When you restart the app on the same emulator, it's the same? But since on Maestro Cloud you run on a different device each time, it's causing problems.

generated by App Check, is different for every emulator, right?


When you restart the app on the same emulator, it's the same?


Additionally, I couldn't see the debug token in the log, so I can't add it to the Firebase console.