
data encoding/decoding on the server looks weird

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I can see that both publishString and publishData publish NSData to the MQTT server. I have a small issue, I'm not sure if it is related to this lib though.

I'm using mosquitto in ruby, but when I subscribe and read the message it looks very funny, I almost cannot identify anything from what I actually publish:



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Is there anything I can do on the iOS end? Or is it on the other end where I read the data?

What are you publishing?

It looks like you are sending directly the bytes from a NSDictionary object. The ruby client will not be able to decode that.

You could instead send a JSON object that can then be parsed on the ruby receiving side. Something like:

NSDictionary *dict = ...
NSData *data = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:dict options:0 error:nil];
[self.client publishData:data

It's a [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:data]; data object, and the data is a NSSet. Should I convert that set to what you suggest instead of using the NSKeyedArchiver?

EDIT: I am doing the following now:

NSSet *set = [self filter:[NSSet setWithArray:beacons]];
NSSet *data = [self project:set];
NSError *jsonSerializationError = nil;

{ = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:[data allObjects] options:(NSJSONWritingOptions) kNilOptions error:&jsonSerializationError];
@catch (NSException * __unused exception)
{ = [[NSData alloc] init];

I'll try it out and let you know if it works out.

Confirmation: It was what you have suggested, I have converted the set to the proper object and created the data, now I can see the result I expected.