
Can't enable services

Closed this issue · 9 comments

After following the directions in, I have a system that boots with s6, but I cannot enable new services because 66-enable was unable to parse the service files.

An example:

$ 66-tree -ncE net
66-tree: info: Created successfully tree: net
66-tree: info: Enabled successfully tree: net
66-tree: info: Set successfully: net as default

$ 66-enable dhcpcd
66-enable: fatal: unable to parse service file: /usr/share/66/service/dhcpcd: or its dependencies

I would appreciate any guidance.


An example:

$ 66-tree -ncE net
66-tree: info: Created successfully tree: net
66-tree: info: Enabled successfully tree: net
66-tree: info: Set successfully: net as default

By following the instructions a tree named default is already the current tree. No need to create one. Please try the default configuration first :)

$ 66-enable dhcpcd
66-enable: fatal: unable to parse service file: /usr/share/66/service/dhcpcd: or its dependencies

I would appreciate any guidance.

Please provide the output from the following commands running as root:

(use a pastebin service if possible)

  • 66-intree -zg
  • 66-enable -v4 dhcpcd
  • cat /usr/share/66/service/dhcpcd

(I am using dhcpcd currently so, the frontend is probably fine :P ).

Sorry for the format, but here's the termbin of all those commands.

The default configuration is created by using the 66boot-initial-setup, 66boot-storage-autoconf, and the
66boot-rcdotconf scripts correct?

I am a bit confused on how to create and manage a user tree. I was reading the Obarun's beginner guide to 66 which had these commands

# 66-tree -nE net
# 66-enable -t net dhcpcd wpa_supplicant ntpd
# 66-all -t net up

Is it done differently in void?

Let me know if you need any additional information.

Additionally, is the "default" tree different than the current tree set by using the -c option for 66-tree? And I forgot to mention that enabling dhcpcd from your instructions worked!

Sorry for the format, but here's the termbin of all those commands.

Thanks for the logs :)

66-enable(src/lib66/ssexec_enable.c: start_write(): 126): tracing: Service written successfully: dhcpcd
66-enable(src/lib66/ssexec_enable.c: ssexec_enable(): 361): info: Enabled successfully: dhcpcd

I do not see a problem there...

The default configuration is created by using the 66boot-initial-setup, 66boot-storage-autoconf, and the 66boot-rcdotconf scripts correct?

Yep :)

I am a bit confused on how to create and manage a user tree. I was reading the Obarun's beginner guide to 66 which had these commands

# 66-tree -nE net
# 66-enable -t net dhcpcd wpa_supplicant ntpd
# 66-all -t net up

Is it done differently in void?

I do not support a user tree in voidlinux. I will support user/session services eventually either with utlogd or with turnstile. Obarun has a different way of configuring the user session, that will not work well with voidlinux.

The configuration I suggest and the 66boot-initial-setup implements created 3 trees: boot, default and runit. All system-wide services can be enabled in the default tree.
User/session services can be enabled using the scandir@ service but I do not yet have full support for properly automating the process on user login/logout. That is the reason the documentation does not refer to this.

Let me know if you need any additional information.

Additionally, is the "default" tree different than the current tree set by using the -c option for 66-tree? And I forgot to mention that enabling dhcpcd from your instructions worked!

The default tree is the current one after 66boot-initial-setup.
The naming mimics the one used in the voidlinux runit configuration.

I do not support a user tree in voidlinux. I will support user/session services eventually either with utlogd or with void-linux/void-packages#42771 (comment). Obarun has a different way of configuring the user session, that will not work well with voidlinux.

Since this is the case, all 66 commands should be run as sudo for now, correct? And thank you for the clarification.

I do not support a user tree in voidlinux. I will support user/session services eventually either with utlogd or with void-linux/void-packages#42771 (comment). Obarun has a different way of configuring the user session, that will not work well with voidlinux.

Since this is the case, all 66 commands should be run as sudo for now, correct? And thank you for the clarification.

If you enable system-wide services yes :)
If you want to start something as a user service, enable scandir@ and then create trees and enable/disable/start/stop services as the user. That works, but not as I like - so it is not documented.

Alright, thank you for all the help so far, you've been amazing!

Alright, thank you for all the help so far, you've been amazing!

Thank you for the feedback 😉