
Can't get examples to execute

oserani opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi there - trying to run the basic examples to run but I keep getting error 5 (Connection Refused) consistently. No matter what I do.

I am using the following for the database URL
#define DATABASE_URL "" // or
and the database secret provided by google.

Wifi connects just fine, but I am struggling with getting a connection to firebase

See #18

Thanks! Renewing the "secret" seemed to do it. Do we have to worry about the "deprecation" of database secrets comment on the firebase console. Thanks again!

The database secret is obsoleted for years.

I hope Google will not revoke this database access method. If this method was revoked, some Google services may not be able to access the Firebase RTDB e.g., Google Apps Script.

I cannot add Authentication support for this library as in my other Firebase libraries because the limited memory and flash space of AVR based Arduino UNO WiFi Rev2.