
HttpClient include credentials ( cookie )

S0PEX opened this issue · 2 comments

S0PEX commented


I am currently migrating my project from the apollo client and was running in an error where I can't set my authentication cookie.
With Apollo I was able to set

const client = new ApolloClient({
  uri: 'https://myapi.local/graphql',
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),
  // Enable sending cookies over cross-origin requests
  credentials: 'include'

it seems that this option is missing or how would I accomplish this.

Edit: It seems that this behavior is caused because my client cookie isn't available at the server ( obviously ).
Would it be better to send it to the server or somehow turn off ssr for the queries.

Edit2: I am currently trying to pass the headers from ctx.req to the client without success.

export function getStore(snapshot = null, ctx = null): ModelCreationType<RootStoreType> {
  if (isServer || !store) {
    store = RootStore.create(undefined, {
      gqlHttpClient: createHttpClient('http://localhost:5000/graphql', {
        credentials: 'include',
        headers: ctx?.req ? { cookie: ctx.req.headers.cookie } : undefined
      ssr: true,
  if (snapshot) {
    applySnapshot(store, snapshot)
  return store

export default class MyApp extends App<any, any> {
  store: ModelCreationType<RootStoreType>

  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
  static async getInitialProps({ Component, ctx, router }) {
    const store = getStore()

    const pageProps =
      (Component.getInitialProps &&
        (await Component.getInitialProps({ ...ctx, store }))) ||

    let storeSnapshot
    if (isServer) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      const tree = <MyApp {...{ Component, router, pageProps, store }} />
      await getDataFromTree(tree, store)
      storeSnapshot = getSnapshot<RootStoreType>(store, ctx)

    return { pageProps, storeSnapshot }

Regards Artur

Hi @S0PEX Im attempting to get things more organized and reviewing all the open issues.
Do you still have questions ?

S0PEX commented

@Benz19 Hey, not at the moments.