
Disable downloadJar logs if trace or verbose are setted to false

brulks107 opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the feature request
Only print logs of downloadJar module if verbose or trace options are enabled

What you are trying to do
When the server is statring, the following logs are printed:

Skipping {
  "host": "",
  "path": "/content/repositories/releases/org/mock-server/mockserver-netty/5.7.0/mockserver-netty-5.7.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar",
  "port": 443
} as file already downloaded

I would like that if I do not want any logs, this message will not be printed

The solution you'd like
In downloadJar.js file, put all console.log into an if conditional where checks if trace or verbose are enabled

I made a pull request #20 with a proposal for this enhancement

Hi @jamesdbloom. Are you interested in this enhancement?

@amadridlar sorry I haven't manually checked issue in this repo and the notifications setting was wrong so I didn't notice. I have now merged your PR thanks for your work. I'm expecting to do another minor release next week.