
Algorithm Practice in Java

Primary LanguageJava

Sorting Algorithms

inplace? stable? best average worst remarks
selection Y ½ * N^2 ½ * N^2 ½ * N^2 N exchanges
insertion Y Y N ¼ N 2 ½ N^2 use for small N or partially ordered
shell Y N logN/log3 ? c N^3/2 tight code; subquadratic
merge Y ½ N lg N N lg N N lg N N log N guarantee; stable
timsort Y N N lg N N lg N improves mergesort when preexisting order
quick Y N lg N 2 N ln N ½ N 2 N log N probabilistic guarantee;fastest in practice
3-way quick Y N 2 N ln N ½ N 2 improves quicksort when duplicate keys
heap Y N lg N 2 N ln N 2 N lg N N log N guarantee; inplace; poor use of cache
? Y Y N N lg N N lg N holy sorting grail

Sorting Attributes

  • Deterministic? (same input has same efficiency)

not for quicksort due to shuffling

  • Large Items?

selection sort has fewest exchanges

  • Guaranteed Performance?

quicksort's worst case: 1/2 * N^2, which is much slower than average case: N * lgN