OpenAPI remote example failing due to stringified json
yarinsa opened this issue · 1 comments
Describe the bug
Reading trough the docs it seems like the mock server supposed to auto-return the example defined in the open api.
I can see that mock server successfully found the routes. But I am getting 404.
To Reproduce
I tried even the provided example (using remote github openapi.json) And I get the same result
Expected behavior
15:33:42:39 [verbose][plugins:openapi] Loading 7 routes from OpenAPI definitions found in folder '/Users/yarinsasson/Work/Code/product/packages/api-client/mocks/openapi' 15:33:42:39 [debug][mock:routes:load] Processing loaded routes 15:33:42:39 [debug][mock:routes] Creating logger namespace for route variant add-headers:enabled 15:33:42:39 [debug][mock:routes] Creating logger namespace for route variant listVersionsv2:200-json-foo 15:33:42:39 [debug][mock:routes] Creating logger namespace for route variant listVersionsv2:300-json-foo 15:33:42:39 [warn][alerts:300-json-foo] Variant with id '300-json-foo' in route with id 'listVersionsv2' is invalid: Invalid 'options' property:/body: type must be object. /body: type must be array. /body: oneOf must match exactly one schema in oneOf 15:33:42:39 [debug][mock:routes] Creating logger namespace for route variant getVersionDetailsv2:200-json-foo 15:33:42:39 [debug][mock:routes] Creating logger namespace for route variant getVersionDetailsv2:203-json-foo 15:33:42:39 [debug][mock:routes:load] Processed 5 route variants 15:33:42:39 [debug][mock:collections:load] Processing loaded collections 15:33:42:39 [verbose][mock] Trying to select collection 'undefined' 15:33:42:39 [warn][alerts:collections] Option 'mock.collections.selected' was not defined 15:33:42:39 [warn][alerts:collections] No collections found 15:33:42:39 [debug][plugins:openapi] Collections created from OpenAPI definitions: '[{"id":"api-2","from":null,"routes":["listVersionsv2:200-json-foo","getVersionDetailsv2:200-json-foo"]},{"id":"access-requests","from":null,"routes":[]}]' 15:33:42:39 [debug][plugins:openapi] Collection created from all OpenAPI definitions: '{"id":"openapi","from":null,"routes":["listVersionsv2:200-json-foo","getVersionDetailsv2:200-json-foo"]}' 15:33:42:39 [verbose][plugins:openapi] Loading 3 collections from OpenAPI definitions found in folder '/Users/yarinsasson/Work/Code/product/packages/api-client/mocks/openapi' 15:33:42:39 [debug][mock:routes:load] Processing loaded routes 15:33:42:40 [debug][mock:routes] Creating logger namespace for route variant add-headers:enabled 15:33:42:40 [debug][mock:routes] Creating logger namespace for route variant listVersionsv2:200-json-foo 15:33:42:40 [debug][mock:routes] Creating logger namespace for route variant listVersionsv2:300-json-foo 15:33:42:40 [warn][alerts:300-json-foo] Variant with id '300-json-foo' in route with id 'listVersionsv2' is invalid: Invalid 'options' property:/body: type must be object. /body: type must be array. /body: oneOf must match exactly one schema in oneOf 15:33:42:40 [debug][mock:routes] Creating logger namespace for route variant getVersionDetailsv2:200-json-foo 15:33:42:40 [debug][mock:routes] Creating logger namespace for route variant getVersionDetailsv2:203-json-foo 15:33:42:40 [debug][mock:routes:load] Processed 5 route variants 15:33:42:40 [debug][mock:collections:load] Processing loaded collections 15:33:42:40 [verbose][mock] Trying to select collection 'undefined' 15:33:42:40 [warn][alerts:collections] Option 'mock.collections.selected' was not defined. Selecting the first collection found 15:33:42:40 [info][mock] Selected collection: 'api-2' 15:33:42:40 [debug][plugins] Initializing plugin 'adminApi' 15:33:42:40 [debug][plugins] Initializing plugin 'inquirerCli' 15:33:42:40 [verbose][plugins] Initializated 2 plugins without errors 15:33:42:40 [debug][server] Configuring server 15:33:42:41 [debug][server] Registering custom routers in server 15:33:42:41 [verbose][server] Creating HTTP server 15:33:42:41 [info][server] Server started and listening at http://localhost:3100 15:33:42:41 [debug][files] Starting files watcher 15:33:42:42 [debug][plugins] Starting plugin 'adminApi' 15:33:42:42 [verbose][plugins:adminApi:server] Creating HTTP server 15:33:42:42 [info][plugins:adminApi:server] Server started and listening at http://localhost:3110 15:33:42:42 [debug][plugins] Starting plugin 'inquirerCli' ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
‧ Server listening at: http://localhost:3100
‧ Delay: 0
‧ Current collection: api-2
‧ Collections: 3
‧ Routes: 3
‧ Route variants: 5
‧ Log level: debug
‧ Watch enabled: true
? Select action: Select collection
‧ Warning: [mock:routes:load:listVersionsv2:variants:300-json-foo:validation] Variant with id '300-json-foo' in route with id 'listVersionsv2' is invalid: Invalid 'options' property:/body: type must be object. /body: type must be array. /body: oneOf must match exactly one schema in oneOf
‧ Warning: [mock:collections:selected] Option 'mock.collections.selected' was not defined. Selecting the first collection found
‧ Server listening at: http://localhost:3100
‧ Delay: 0
‧ Current collection: api-2
‧ Collections: 3
‧ Routes: 3
‧ Route variants: 5
‧ Log level: debug
‧ Watch enabled: true
? Please choose collection api-2
‧ Warning: [mock:routes:load:listVersionsv2:variants:300-json-foo:validation] Variant with id '300-json-foo' in route with id 'listVersionsv2' is invalid: Invalid 'options' property:/body: type must be object. /body: type must be array. /body: oneOf must match exactly one schema in oneOf
‧ Server listening at: http://localhost:3100
‧ Delay: 0
‧ Current collection: api-2
‧ Collections: 3
‧ Routes: 3
‧ Route variants: 5
‧ Log level: debug
‧ Watch enabled: true
? Select action: (Use arrow keys)
❯ Select collection
Use route variant
Restore route variants
Change delay
Restart server
Change log level
Switch watch
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)
‧ Warning: [mock:routes:load:listVersionsv2:variants:300-json-foo:validation] Variant with id '300-json-foo' in route with id 'listVersionsv2' is invalid: Invalid 'options' property:/body: type must be object. /body: type must be array. /body: oneOf must match exactly one schema in oneOf
‧ Server listening at: http://localhost:3100
‧ Delay: 0
‧ Current collection: api-2
‧ Collections: 3
‧ Routes: 3
‧ Route variants: 5
‧ Log level: debug
‧ Watch enabled: true
? Select action: (Use arrow keys)
❯ Select collection
Use route variant
Restore route variants
Change delay
Restart server
Change log level
Switch watch
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)
** Operating system, Node.js an npm versions, or browser version (please complete the following information):**
MacOS M3
NODE.js 18.5
yarn 3.5.0
Hi @yarinsa ,
The remote example fails to create the response for the 300 status code because it is defined in a string, which is something that the openapi plugin does not support, but the rest of routes are created successfully.
Wrong variant causing the route /
to not be created in the remote example:
"300": {
"description": "300 response",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"examples": {
"foo": {
"value": "{\n \"versions\": [\n {\n \"status\": \"CURRENT\",\n \"updated\": \"2011-01-21T11:33:21Z\",\n \"id\": \"v2.0\",\n \"links\": [\n {\n \"href\": \"\",\n \"rel\": \"self\"\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n \"status\": \"EXPERIMENTAL\",\n \"updated\": \"2013-07-23T11:33:21Z\",\n \"id\": \"v3.0\",\n \"links\": [\n {\n \"href\": \"\",\n \"rel\": \"self\"\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n}\n"
Response of http://localhost:3100/openapi/v2
using the remote example:
"version": {
"status": "CURRENT",
"updated": "2011-01-21T11:33:21Z",
"media-types": [
"base": "application/xml",
"type": "application/vnd.openstack.compute+xml;version=2"
"base": "application/json",
"type": "application/vnd.openstack.compute+json;version=2"
"id": "v2.0",
"links": [
"href": "",
"rel": "self"
"href": "",
"type": "application/pdf",
"rel": "describedby"
"href": "",
"type": "application/vnd.sun.wadl+xml",
"rel": "describedby"
"href": "",
"type": "application/vnd.sun.wadl+xml",
"rel": "describedby"
So, for the moment I will change the example in the docs to a completely supported openapi example, and I will also let this issue open for supporting json stringified examples.