Node.js app that pulls trip information from TripIt .iCal feed and displays on a dashboard with a Google Maps image if you are traveling on a given day.
IBM Cloud account
TripIt Account (that syncs with iCal feed)
Google Maps Static API Key
with your preferred app name. Note that this will be prepended to "" once you deploy to IBM Cloud and will serve as your URL. -
edit the following variables:
tripIcal: The full link to your Tripit iCal feed. ""
yourName: Just your first name! Example: "Morgan"
googleApiKey: Paste your Google API key here as a string
title: The title you would like to display
subtitle: The subtitle for the website
subsubtitle: Subtitle to the subtitle
website: Link to your website
homeData: The string that should be displayed when you are NOT traveling such as "I am not traveling!"
homeAddress: The address that you would like your map to center on when you are not traveling. Use `+` instead of `space` Example: "123+Main+St,+Austin+TX"
- Run or deploy.
npm install
nodemon start
ibmcloud login
ibmcloud target --cf
ibmcloud app push