
Sanitized chat disabled?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

It seems the censor for swearing has been completely disabled, and any word someone types will be seen for what it is rather than perhaps being substituted for asterisks, or *. Is this intentional? I'd attach an image of some of the cussing I've seen as proof, only I fear it would be inappropriate to even show. If you're curious as to what some people are saying, I'd recommend just going through the games and looking for a degenerate racist/sexist/antisemite, etc., as there are unfortunately many of them, much to the disadvantage of all the other good people who are just trying to play a fun game.

The chat sanitizer, bad-words, was temporarily disabled in 0eabd1d due to server crashes on production. This will only last as long as the issue has not been resolved, and is not a permanent change.

m0dE commented
