
Crashes when django.contrib.contentypes is not installed

adamchainz opened this issue · 5 comments

If django.contrib.contenttypes is not installed, Model Bakery fails to run. Model bakery doesn't declare a hard dependency on content types, and it doesn't look like it needs one. It just has some unconditional imports that could be guarded.

Expected behavior

Model bakery works.

Actual behavior

It crashes when importing from contenttypes:

In [1]: from model_bakery import baker

In [2]: from example.core.models import Book

In [3]: baker.make(Book)
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-aea38cdd5d01> in <module>
----> 1 baker.make(Book)

.../site-packages/model_bakery/ in make(_model, _quantity, make_m2m, _save_kwargs, _refresh_after_create, _create_files, _using, _bulk_create, **attrs)
     78     """
     79     _save_kwargs = _save_kwargs or {}
---> 80     baker = Baker.create(
     81         _model, make_m2m=make_m2m, create_files=_create_files, _using=_using
     82     )

.../site-packages/model_bakery/ in create(cls, _model, make_m2m, create_files, _using)
    273         """Create the baker class defined by the `BAKER_CUSTOM_CLASS` setting."""
    274         baker_class = _custom_baker_class() or cls
--> 275         return baker_class(_model, make_m2m, create_files, _using=_using)
    277     def __init__(

.../site-packages/model_bakery/ in __init__(self, _model, make_m2m, create_files, _using)
    296             self.model = _model
--> 298         self.init_type_mapping()
    300     def init_type_mapping(self) -> None:

.../site-packages/model_bakery/ in init_type_mapping(self)
    300     def init_type_mapping(self) -> None:
--> 301         self.type_mapping = generators.get_type_mapping()
    302         generators_from_settings = getattr(settings, "BAKER_CUSTOM_FIELDS_GEN", {})
    303         for k, v in generators_from_settings.items():

.../site-packages/model_bakery/ in get_type_mapping()
    193 def get_type_mapping() -> Dict[Type, Callable]:
--> 194     from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
    196     from .gis import default_gis_mapping

.../site-packages/django/contrib/contenttypes/ in <module>
--> 133 class ContentType(models.Model):
    134     app_label = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    135     model = models.CharField(_('python model class name'), max_length=100)

.../site-packages/django/db/models/ in __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs)
    111             if app_config is None:
    112                 if not abstract:
--> 113                     raise RuntimeError(
    114                         "Model class %s.%s doesn't declare an explicit "
    115                         "app_label and isn't in an application in "

RuntimeError: Model class django.contrib.contenttypes.models.ContentType doesn't declare an explicit app_label and isn't in an application in INSTALLED_APPS.

Reproduction Steps

As above.


Python: 3.9.9
Django: 3.2.9
Model Bakery: 1.3.3

Is there any reason for which this has not been addressed or even commented since 2 years?

Is there any reason for which this has not been addressed or even commented since 2 years?

Hey @paduszyk and @adamchainz
Sorry that it took an insane amount of time to respond.
I am now drafting a version (#476) which is not depending on contenttypes framework.
While I still need to clean it up and test it, I'd love if you could potentially try it out by installing it via

python -m pip install 'model_bakery @ git+'

And see if that solves your issue. If that is not possible, or not in your interest, this is totally fine. :)


I am afraid I don’t have time or interest to test this, since I am not actively using Model Bakery. But good work. Don’t stress or worry about timelines in open source! You’re doing good work. @paduszyk ’s comment was outright rude and entitled.

Thanks for being thoughtful @adamchainz. It' super annoying when people treats OS as regular product when the developers have to maintain themselves on their jobs and work this on their spare time.

I'm sorry you misunderstood my intentions.
I didn't know that using question marks on GitHub may be perceived as rude.

To be clear: I respect all of you guys doing a great job for the open-source and the Python/Django community!

Peace! ☮️