
Custom Tool not working in VS 2013

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I have installed the current / latest version of the Visual Studio tool ( but it reports an error when I try to use it. I have detailed it here

It was working before I updated to the latest version of the tool.

I only have Visual Studio 2013.

Copied from the Our thread:

The error comes from the updated VSIX extension (eg the Visual Studio tool) so you want to uninstall it and revert to eg version 3.0.5. Hopefully it can be downloaded from Visual Studio gallery else let me know.

The VSIX has been recently upgraded to work with Visual Studio 2017 but should work with Visual Studio 2012, 2013 and 2015. However, here it's looking for version of the shell, which is Visual Studio 2015.

So it looks like we have broken support for 2012 and 2013 - will look into it.

(great report BTW, super easy to understand!)

The error seems to be because we reference Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Design version 14.x whereas in the past we referenced version 11.x (VS2012) - I'm going to downgrade the reference to version 12.x (VS2013) which is the oldest one can seem to get on NuGet. So this probably means we're killing support for VS2012. Stay tuned.

VSIX in VS2017 sure are a mess, just look at the number of reported issues and questions... nevertheless, this: is a new version of 3.0.6 that might work for 2013, 2015 and 2017 (but not 2012) - got time to test?

Been a long time - assuming it works and closing.