
Prefix/Suffix for generated class names

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Not sure if this is this is possible today but I have a need to prefix the generated models, my current way around this is to rename the alias for every doc type in the project but I would have been better with some kind of setting.

Maybe a "class-name" format"-string as a setting or attribute, configured like

"Cms{alias}" to prefix models with "Cms" ie.

I would be open to help out if this is something that anyone else think is useful.

Think it'd be great to have this, but instead of a simple prefix... I'd like to have a way to override the class name generation, so you can basically supply the actual class name for each model. Adding to backlog.

Notes for self:

ClrName should be determined in the builder, not in UmbracoServices, so that a totally custom naming strategy could be supplied by overriding the builder.

Extend [ModelsBuilderConfigure(TypeModelPrefix="Cms", TypeModelSuffix="Model")]

See also #217 which is about suffix.

Extending this issue to prefix and suffix