
VS Extension install issue

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I recently got a new PC and had to install everything from scratch. When it came to the Modelsbuilder VS extensions it seemed to install perfectly fine, however when right clicking a .mb file the "Build models" context menu never appeared.

These were the initial versions I installed:
Visual Studio 2019 v16.8.6
Umbraco ModelsBuilder Extension v8.1.5.190719002
Umbraco ModelsBuilder Custom Tool v8.0.5.190617001

Both extensions were installed via the VS Manage Extensions marketplace.

No errors were ever thrown, and the install log didn't show any errors. Several coworkers were running the same Extension versions on slightly older VS 2019 (16.8.4), and had no issues.

Following these steps I managed to fix it:

This made the context menu appear again, and when upgrading to the same VS version as initially it remained there. Hope this may help others 🙂

PS: Just to note - the VS solution I tested against had no changes to it throughout. The file that was right-clicked was always called ModelsBuilder.mb, the url and login info used in the Extension settings were also the same all along.