
Aggregate Command Handling with Dependencies

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The *aggregate.Base type embeds a command.Handler to allow registration of commands in the aggregate constructor, like this:

package example

type Movie struct {

func NewMovie(id uuid.UUID) *Movie {
  m := &Movie{Base: aggregate.New(...))

  command.ApplyWith(m, m.Create, "movie.create")

  return m

type CreateParams struct {
  Name string
  Rating int8

func (m *Movie) Create(params CreateParams) error {
 // aggregate.Next(...)
 return nil

This works well as long as the Create method does not depend on any external dependencies, like it does in the following example (context.Context and RatingService):

package example

type Movie struct {

func NewMovie(id uuid.UUID) *Movie {
  m := &Movie{Base: aggregate.New(...))

  command.ApplyWith(m, func(name string) error {
    // Here, we would need access to a context.Context and RatingService
    return m.Create(???, name, ???)
  }, "movie.create")

  return m

type CreateParams struct {
  Name string
  Rating int8

type RatingService interface {
  Rating(ctx context.Context, name string) (int8, error)

func (m *Movie) Create(ctx context.Context, name string, svc RatingService) error {
  rating, err := svc.Rating(ctx, name)
  if err != nil {
    return err

  aggregate.Next(m, "movie.created", CreateParams{
    Name: name,
    Rating: rating,

 return nil


a.command.ApplyContextWith helper

Idea: Add a new command.ApplyContextWith helper function to register command handlers that accept a generic command.Context type.

package example

type Movie struct { ... }

func NewMovie() *Movie {
  m := &Movie{...}

  command.ApplyContextWith(m, func(ctx command.Ctx[string]) error {
    name := ctx.Payload()
    return m.Create(ctx, name, ???) // still no RatingService available
  }, "movie.create")

  return m

b. Dependency Injection Container

Idea: Provide a DI Container to command.Context to provide dependencies to aggregates when setting up commands.

// commands.go
package example

import ""

func HandleCommands(ctx context.Context, svc RatingService, bus command.Bus, repo aggregate.Repository) <-chan error {
  return handler.New(NewMovie, repo, bus).MustHandle(ctx, command.Provide(svc))
// movie.go
package example

func NewMovie() *Movie {
  m := &Movie{...}

  command.ApplyContextWith(m, func(ctx command.Ctx[string]) error {
    name := ctx.Payload()
    ratingSvc := di.Inject[RatingService](ctx)

    return m.Create(ctx, name, ratingSvc)
  }, "movie.create")

  return m