
Does lookup.Remove remove all values are just a single value

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Does the remove method remove a single value or all values? If we use the following example for an event:

func (data SomeEvent) ProvideLookup(p lookup.Provider) {

Does this remove the value for this event from the lookup or all values for the given lookup key.
If it remove all values, is there a way to remove a single key from the lookup?

It will remove the lookup value only for the specific aggregate of this event. This depends on the aggregate data of the event:

type SomeEvent struct {}

func (data SomeEvent) ProvideLookup(p lookup.Provider) {

func example(id uuid.UUID) {
  // The lookup is for the specific aggregate with name "foo" and the provided id.
  evt := event.New("foobar", SomeEvent{}, event.Aggregate(id, "foo", 1))

  // The lookup is for the aggregate with name "" and uuid.Nil (global/singleton lookup)
  evt := event.New("foobar", SomeEvent{})

  // The lookup is for the aggregate with name "foo" and uuid.Nil (lookup is for _all_ "foo" aggregates)
  evt := event.New("foobar", SomeEvent{}, event.Aggregate(uuid.Nil, "foo", 1))

  // The lookup is for the aggregate with name "" and the provided id (lookup is for _all_ aggregates with the provided id)
  evt := event.New("foobar", SomeEvent{}, event.Aggregate(id, "", 1))

Thank you. This makes sense. Is there a way to test this? I noticed that if I attempt to use a WaitGroup, like in the example below, it becomes flaky.

const LookUpKey = "lookup"
type SomeProvideEvent struct {
    Key string

func (data SomeProvideEvent) ProvideLookup(p lookup.Provider) {
	p.Provide(LookUpKey, data.Key)

type SomeRemoveEvent struct {}

func (data SomeRemoveEvent) ProvideLookup(p lookup.Provider) {

func example() {
    evts := []event.Event{
        event.New("foobarprovide", SomeProvideEvent{}, event.Aggregate("foo", id)),
        event.New("foobarremove", SomeRemoveEvent{}, event.Aggregate("foo", id)),

    b := eventbus.New()
    s := eventstore.New()
    lk := lookup.New(s, b, []string{"foobarprovide", "foobarremove"})
    _, _ = lk.Run(context.Background())

    b.Publish(context.Background(), evts...)
    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    go func() {
	defer wg.Done()
	<-time.After(5 * time.Second)

    _, ok := lk.Lookup(context.Background(), "someaggregate", LookUpKey, id)
   fmt.Println("found?", ok) // <- this is non-deterministic. Sometimes it's true. Other times its false

This issue was actually caused by the event bus implementation. Your code should work now with v0.4.5.

Makes sense. Thank you for the clarification.