
MongoDB Event Store Indices

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Let users configure the builtin indices that are created by the MongoDB event store.


Currently, the MongoDB event store creates 8 indices that are more or less useful/applicable for different kinds of queries. Goal is to reduce the default amount of indices to a minimum, without creating performance issues. If needed, users should be able to enable additional, "named" indices that boost the performance of specific queries.


Proposal is to separate indices into two kinds: core and edge. Core indices are always created because they are required by goes' components to be performant. Edge-case indices can be enabled by applications that do more uncommon queries, which wouldn't be able to use the core indices.

Core Indices

  • aggregate name + id + version: query aggregates by name (+ id (+ version))
  • id: fetch a specific event
  • name: query events by name
    • used in many projection startup queries
      • e.g. query.New(query.Name(FooEvent, BarEvent))
  • name + time: fetch all events of a given set of names, sorted by time
    • used in projection jobs when using the default query
  • aggregate name + version: query events of a specific aggregate type, up to a specific version
    • used in projection startup queries
      • e.g. query.New(query.AggregateName("foo"), query.AggregateVersion(1)) to fetch the first event of each "foo" aggregate to extract the aggregates from a projection job in the most performant way

Edge Case Indices

  • aggregate id: fetch a specific aggregate only by its id
  • aggregate version: useful when querying only by version
  • name + version: query a given set of events, up to a given version
    • can be used in projection startup queries
      • e.g. query.New(query.Name(FooEvent, BarEvent), query.AggregateVersion(1)) to extract aggregates from projection jobs

Enabling Indices

Edge-case indices can be enabled individually using feature flags:

package example

func example(enc event.Encoding) {
  store := mongo.NewEventStore(enc, mongo.WithIndices(