Error when trying to update solution: VS 2015 and Unity 5.4.2
brunoleos opened this issue · 5 comments
I get the following error when an update is needed (via buttons in the Package Manager):
PrjCommandException: Error occurred during 'Updating solution': Error: Could not find unity-generated project when generating custom solution. This is necessary so the custom solution can add things like unity defines and DLL references within the unity project.
Projeny.Internal.PrjCommandHandler+d__3.MoveNext ()
Projeny.Internal.CoRoutine.Pump ()
Rethrow as CoRoutineException: Coroutine Object Trace: PmVsSolutionViewHandler -> PrjCommandHandler
Projeny.Internal.CoRoutine.Pump ()
Projeny.Internal.AsyncProcessor.AdvanceFrameAll ()
Rethrow as AsyncOperationException: Error occurred during async operation
Projeny.Internal.AsyncProcessor.AdvanceFrameAll ()
Projeny.Internal.AsyncProcessor.Tick ()
Projeny.Internal.PmCompositionRoot.Update ()
Projeny.Internal.PmWindow.Update ()
I don't know why Unity generates these visual studio files completely differently depending on the machine. But I've changed it to handle this new variation. Can you try the attached build? Or updating from source if you're directly using source.
The fix works ;)
I figured out what was causing the different styles of naming. It has to do with the external editor preference that you have set up for your unity. If you have it set to monodevelop or a custom editor then Assembly-CSharp
is used, or if you use visual studio, this other variation is used